Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Back at the head of the class

Had my 10th dance class tonight, this is the last for this session, then we start up again April 11th.

Normally I dance in the front row, it helps me not pay attention to what anyone else is doing and get messed up. Tonight for one turn someone told the back row to swap with us, so I saw the rest of the class as I was dancing. One girl in particular would turn around to see what I was doing. Some of the others were not keeping up.

The teacher pointed me out and said I had the routine down! Yay! I am the star pupil again!!! This may seem a little silly, but given my unlucky streak of sucking at things involving "class" lately, to be back at the top feels good. I am comfy in this role. Hopefully I can keep it up. I know I have the mechanics down, I just need to get more of the flow. I may have to hand over that title to Joanne when she joins us - those who have seen her dance know what I mean :D #2 is good too.

Happy half-birthday to me! Only 6 more months of my 20s. Yikes! Should be fun though. Better be.

Spent a lot of today discussing the mother situation with my brothers via email. I think we've pretty much unanimously agreed to disown *her*. My younger brother wrote a hilarious reply to me, I laughed my ass off. He didn't even know he was disowned, I had to tell him. Basically his reaction was yeah, that's typical. My older brother is formulating a well-thought-out, rational reply to mother. Younger brother and I just aren't going to bother. I enjoyed hearing their take on things and it did make me feel better.


mare said...

well, you know what i think re: your mom.

meanwhile, jo can so kick your ass at dancing. for she has one. and you, like me, can join the no-ass club. or flatass. your choice. :P

your half-birthday is today, means mine has already passed. if it existed which it does not.

crap, they just gave really bad math advice on the west wing- it was so bad that i even got it. it was about the area of a paralellogram. where's jenn when you need her.

liz said...

Yeah, Jo can kick my ass at dancing. She kicks most people's asses at dancing. The girl can move!

I do so have an ass. Just like everything else on me, it's small. Obviously you have not looked at my ass (and for that I thank you).

My ass was actually the subject of the funniest compliment I've ever received: "You sure look some nice in them jeans".

Rosyphant said...

I will not comment on the ass or lack of ass debate.

I will however comment that the area of a parallelogram is base multiplied by height, not "length times width... just like a rectangle" as stated by Alan Alda. Grr.....

Surly Canuck said...

Parallellogram.... that's the drunk rectangle right? The one that's leaning?

Ha! I kid, I kid. (but it is right?)

liz said...

Yes, and I have to say though I have never heard anyone refer to a parallelogram as a drunk rectangle, coming from you, it somehow seems appropriate

Also my brother says "I kid, I kid!" like Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. My nephew heard him saying this, and now goes around saying "IKEA, IKEA!"

Scum said...

I was looking... She has an ass.

And really, all you have to do with the paralellogram is remember that it's two equal triangles smashed together... Area of a triangle is 1/2 base x height... Multiply by two. :)

Rosyphant said...

I love how you’re referring to parallelograms as “drunken” or as 2 triangles as “smashed together”. Kinda keeps it real for my high school students :)

mare said...

it's true about the keeping it real. they get no end of amusement hearing about the white russians.

Surly Canuck said...

That's me. All about keeping it real. Yo!