Sunday, May 01, 2005

The merry month of May

I'm not sure what it is about the month of May that makes it my nemesis. If you can have a month that is a nemesis.

I'm glad in one way that May is here and I am single. Relationships always end for me in May. My 2 long term relationships have both ended in May. Even non-serious ones have always ended in May. So here's to a May where I'm not seeing anyone so I can't get dumped :) If/when I get married, I plan on doing it in May so as to counteract all the bad relationship karma of this month.

So this month begins my self-imposed dating exile™ (I know I stole that line but I did trademark it for you). Best for me to stop whining about being alone and start enjoying the benefits of it instead, as well as work on that whole understanding-myself-better process and figuring out what the hell I want in life.

It also has to mark the end of my being lazy and resuming the daily walking schedule I had going last summer. Back to the 10,000 steps a day.

So say hello to May, for it is now here, and will hopefully bring a lot less drama than usual for me.


mare said...

may is what you *may* make of it. heh heh heh. oh, the social studies training.

mare said...

hey, that reminds me though - i'm going walking later today as it is nice outside.