Tuesday, December 01, 2009

To quit or not to quit

My husband thinks I need a new hobby. Hobbies are supposed to be fun ways to spend your time, but knitting has not turned out that way for me. I find it stressful. My biggest problem seems to be that I misread patterns. I think it’s time to face the facts: I’m just not very good at it. Since I don’t seem to be capable of liking my work despite its faults, and get so angry when I make mistakes (which are frequent), I’m not sure what’s really in it for me.

I am still a beginner. All of these projects I’m doing are the first time I’ve tried different techniques. When I knit a scarf for myself, ran out of yarn, and ended up with an abruptly cut-off side, I adjusted for that the next time I used that pattern… but then it still didn’t come out looking right. I want to be able to do something right, if not the first, I’d hope the second time.

Other than misreading patterns, I think my other big mistake is always making things for others. I put too much stress on making gifts that must be nice, instead of practicing on stuff that’s just for me. I can still be annoyed with it, but at least I haven’t given a “Charlie Brown Christmas tree” to someone I care about.

I’m giving my husband’s suggestion some consideration. After I finish the Christmas presents I’m working on, I may think about hanging up the needles, at least for a while.


Scum said...

It certainly is a matter of attitude.

Jody made a mistake knitting a scarf the other day and just said it was a button hole.

If it really frustrates you, or makes you angry, it's not a hobby. It's work! :)

John said...

You have too many other interests and things you are good at to keep forcing yourself to do this activity, which causes you nothing but frustration and anger. As scum says, that way lies work.

Hell, even switching gears and trying crocheting may be a solution-- there are few things that you can knit that can't also be crocheted. Or maybe latch hooking, or making some other craft would better suit your skills and temperament.

KJ McLean said...

As a Tai Chi drop-out (I found it too stressful, ironically), I understand your dilemma.

You might enjoy rug-hooking. Not only is it really easy to learn, as well as adapt and change things as you go along, but you can also hook with yarn (and use up your stash) rather than the wool strips I use.

Let me know if you'd like a demo come January. :)