Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Spammentary #1

Lately there have been some very strange subject lines in the spam I've been receiving, and I feel the need to comment on it:

3 chicks in one night

Well, a hen can only lay so many eggs; or
Yeah, not in your lifetime, buddy.

how are you

Fine thanks, how are you? What's that? Sorry, no, I don't have any sperm volume to increase. Go get a real job and stop hounding me with spam.

Remember the old days?

Are you trying to get me to buy a record from K-Tel? Does it have "Louisiana Woman/Mississippi Man"?

It's not working like it used to?

No, really, it's not. It hasn't been the same since that time I pushed it down 3 flights of stairs.

Impress your wife

I'd be impressed if I had a wife. And likely so would Scum.

Want something extra in bed?

Uhhh, yeah, I believe it's called "a man".

And last but not least, one of the weirdest subjects I have seen in a long time, sent to me by "Devious":

Crocodile: New antidote found.

I guess I never realized how much of a market there was for crocodile antidote. Hang on, there's a crocoldile on the Discovery Channel... I'm not feeling well... quick, get me the crocodile antidote!!


Scum said...

I think three chicks in one night WOULD impress your wife (nevermind me), Liz... If you had one. Might be a negative impression though. :)

Lisa said...

I had a very original subject line. It was F%$@ You! Needless to say, I didn't bother opening it. :-P

mare said...

hey! lou!
isiana woman -
- mississippi man!
we get together everytime we can
the mississippi river can't keep us apart...

and that's all i know. thank you, k-tel!

liz said...

Ah, I knew Mare would be unable to resist!

mare said...

who can resist the lure of that chorus? sung as nasally as possible, natch.

liz said...

LOL dear!