Wednesday, January 02, 2019

More of what's bad about social media

[gist of] Original post:  Saw Aquaman, not perfect but liked it a lot.

Reply post: "Saw it in Costa Rica on IMAX. Was good!! :)"

Translation: "I went to Costa Rica over the holidays and want everyone to know it, so I'm commenting here so you can all be jealous that I went somewhere warm!"

Yet another reason why social media can really drag you down. I don't care that somebody went to Costa Rica and I didn't. If I want to, I can save up some money, sacrifice other plans, and go. But why does this person have to make a point of telling us that they saw a movie in IMAX (closest screen to here is 4h away) and in a tropical location? Their reply could just as easily have been "Saw it too. Was good!!" Instead, it was "me me LOOK AT ME!" Ugh.

I'm aware that people post their curated lives on social media. But it gets tiring. One of my favorite posts of 2018 was by a friend who acknowledged that he only posted the good times with his daughter, and told us what had to happen to get some of those happy pictures. Finally! Thanks for being real!

I know nobody wants to hear complaints all the time, but a little realism here or there wouldn't hurt.

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