Sunday, July 12, 2020

Stop. Just stop.

Every so often, someone in my feed posts about St. Peter's. And then all the usual comments show up. 
"If people would just go to church, they wouldn't have to close." -- Well, yes, but times are changing. People don't want to go anymore. There's not going to be a miraculous regeneration of people coming to church. Crappy, but fact.
"There's nothing sad about another church closing; that's all I will say about that." followed by that person saying more, and the usual pro- and anti-religious retorts.
"OMG, the Catholic church is closing?" -- Uh yeah, it was two years ago, where were you when we needed you?
I'm still hurting. A lot. The closure was devastating to me. It was like a combination of losing your home and your family at the same time. Every time this comes up, I'm reminded of the loss. It's tiring. Especially when the comments just appear at random and I didn't have time to dodge them.

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