Saturday, March 15, 2008


Throughout our lives, we form attachments to things. They become part of our everyday lives, settling in to our subconscious as we take them for granted. One of those things, for me, has been my email address.

I picked it out when our local cable company (my Dad was a VP there at the time) was just beginning to set themselves up as an ISP. This meant I had my pick of addresses, and thus was able to get liz@. I am trying to remember how long I've had this address, I think I had it when I left university, so at least 11 years, likely a bit longer. I just found out today that the bank of address domains to which I belong is being shut down at the end of March.

This poses a big problem for me. I use this address for everything other than person-to-person communication. I now need to go to every website I can possibly think of where I may have registered and change my address. Some websites will only recover lost passwords by emailing the registered account -- which, after the end of the month, I won't be able to do.

I'm angry that I wasn't given any warning about this change. I could have phased it out over time, given the opportunity. Now I have to fit these changes into a two week span. Argh.

No longer will I have that "really easy to remember" address, and that bothers me. I guess I knew this day would come eventually, but to only know about it 15 days before is so frustrating. I don't want to be forced into this change because Rogers doesn't want to keep up the old domain.

I now have to decide what to do. Do I move everything to an existing address, or create a new address just for this purpose?

I don't need this. I don't want to deal with this. In a small way, I feel like I am losing part of my history. Things change whether I want them to or not, so I guess I don't have any choice but to deal with it. It just pisses me off that I am now inconvenienced by another large corporate decision.

1 comment:

Cyn said...

This truly is a sad moment in all of our history really. Sigh. I remember the beginnings of that network and the several that came before.