Sunday, February 20, 2005

10 random questions

I stole this from the University of Manitoba paper, so go ahead and steal it for yourself if you like. Why was I reading the UoM paper? Well, I wasn't, I was just looking for a semi-original random question list to do rather than steal from my friends' sites.

1. What is your favourite playground equipment?
Slides are fun but I think the swings are my favorite. Try swinging high and then closing your eyes, it’s a total rush. Best for when you're feeling down... you can't help but get the rush and smile no matter how crappy things are.

2. What is under your bed?
The cord from my electric blanket and the remote from the other side, since I have no one over there, there’s not much point in having it anywhere else.

3. What is the cruelest thing anybody ever said to you?
A friend once told me that I was Colonel Sanders’ worst nightmare – skinny thighs and no breasts. And I am still friends with this person!!!

4. Whose thoughts would you most like to read?
[edited by author]

5. What is the most disgusting thing you ever had to do?
One time my Dad accidentally unplugged the deep freeze and no one discovered it until a month later, just before my parents were going on a trip to Mexico. They left my older brother and I to clean it up, we each got $20. That had to be the most wretched smell on earth, month-old rotten deer meat. My parents didn’t have much fun either, they spent their time in Mexico throwing up and vowed never to go back there, and they never did. But I got my purple sombrero out of the deal so it wasn’t all bad.

6. What have you lost that you would most like to retrieve?
Memories from childhood (but just the good ones). I can’t seem to remember a lot of things. A lot of things are vague and fuzzy. Including memories I am sure I have lost from my world trip.

7. What is your guilt book?
Not exactly sure what this means, but I will guess it means a book that I feel guilty for reading. In that case, pretty much everything I read nowadays is trashy novel. After going through school and having to read novels chosen by English teachers, I have no real desire to read anything other than for entertainment. That being said, I do have “Tuesdays with Morrie” to read, but only after I read the book lent to me by a friend about a 30-year old woman who gets dumped after a long-term relationship and takes up belly dancing. I am not making that up.

8. Can you twist your tongue upside down?
Not all the way, but most of the way.

9. What is the one thing you know the most about?
I would have to say I know the most lines from Looney Tunes of anyone I know. Not many people can quote Robin Hood Daffy from start to finish.

10. Where would you most hate to be pierced?
Anywhere! Why do I need more holes in myself? I don’t even have my ears pierced. A lot of people don’t notice that I don’t have them pierced, which tells me I am saving money by not buying earrings because no one would notice anyway. I'm not really big on jewelry in general, I don't wear rings, only occasionally do I wear a necklace. That being said I will never turn down a diamond ring or anything, now that would just be crazy.


Anonymous said...

I don't have a blog so I'm jumping on the bandwagon in the comments section. Thanks, Liz!
1. Playground equipment: Monkey bars.
2. Under my bed: slippers, cat fur, lots and lots of paper. It's pretty well a fire trap, actually.
3. Cruel thing: My grade 9 guidance counselor told me I was schizophrenic. True story! I remember it well. Me too!
4. Thoughts to read: Hmm. Don't know. Somebody smarter than me. Or George W. Bush... if I could change them.
5. Disgusting thing: Clean my brother's boat's head, it was all over mold. At least I hope it was mold.
6. Lost and found: Would like my UNB grad ring back. Took it off to take a shower some 5 years ago, it's been gone ever since.
7. Pride and Prejudice. I've read that way too many times. It's just so good!
8. Tongue twist: No, but I can get it to stick to itself the other way.
9. Thing I know the most about: The battle of Vimy Ridge. Also shellshock and trauma from WW1 represented in contemporary culture. You learn stuff really well when you do your masters.
10. Piercings: well, I am not as prurient as Liz when it comes to piercings... but I balk at tongue peircings. Blech. You need to eat! And taste! I'm not that fond of nose rings either, as I have the sniffles a lot... but I'd do it if I didn't have sniffles so much.
And that's it! Whew. I'm such a joiner.

Anonymous said...

1. The slide. Even though I broke my arm on one, I forgive it.
2. Dust, and on occasion a couple of socks and a cat.
3. Ugly. I guess the truth hurts the most.
4. I wouldn't.
5. Most who read this know me quite well, and how descriptive and tackless I can get. So take my word for it when I say, to protect your very souls, I will not repeat that event here.
6. Time.
7. Dragonheart...blech
8. Not completely upside down. To either side, in a U, and a make a clover leaf though.
9. Hard to say. I'm more a jack-of-all-trades than a specalist. Probably computers and networking if I had to pick.
10. Reproductive organs. Being one of 3 guys to help keep someone on their feet in front of the urinal who just got a "Prince Albert", quickly cures any remaining ambition for that. I can still hear the screams.