Friday, May 13, 2005

Friday Feast #47

Whose intelligence do you find intimidating?

Mare. I sometimes feel like a dummy when I have to ask her what certain things are, because I just don't know, yet feel I should already have known, and then berate myself for seeming stupid. She knows way more than I do, I think from a combination of being a well-travelled adult, she has spent more time living on her own away from SJ, and has 3 degrees to my one bargain-basement UNBSJ BBA. But I have no student loans so it can't be all bad, right? :P

Name something you've done that surprised yourself.

The fact that I actually went and auditioned for Evita and didn't chicken out. I totally sucked, and now refuse to sing in front of anyone, even at karaoke. But the mere fact that I went through with it surprised me.

List 3 people whom you have only "met" online, but consider good friends.

I pretty much know everyone from meeting them in person.

Main Course
Where is the dirtiest place you've ever been?

Paris. Garbage everywhere. Granted that was 1985, but I haven't heard it's any cleaner.

What is the best example of "perfection" that you can think of?

mmmmmm, Belgian chocolate.

Also the final scene of Psycho, which I can't describe here because Jenn hasn't seen it. After having someone spoil Psycho for me before I saw it for the first time, I refuse to do that to anyone else.


mare said...

wha? i mean, thanks, but wha?

i don't think of myself as smart, i think of myself as a trained academic. scott m. is smart. my homeroom kids are smart. chris is smart. jenn is frightenly intelligent. i, on the other hand, have a mastery of b.s.

Cyn said...

Jenn hasn't seen psycho! Yikes! That needs to be fixed! Liz how could you let this happen? hehe

liz said...

Well, I am trying to rectify that by having Hitchcock night. Still need to determine a time for it though. Sometime in June I think.

Cyn said...

Phew! That is an absolute travesty that certainly does need to be fixed. I was very worried there for a while!

mare said...

i'm busy until june 4th, then it's into exams, but i can mark and hitchcock at the same time.


jenn and i may need the use of the blue room for a bit.