Thursday, May 19, 2005

The mouse came back, the very next day

Again this morning with the little black pieces on my desk. I don't even have food on my desk anymore. The stuff I did have was sealed or in a can and untouched by mouse teeth. What do they want with me? Bastards!!!

The exterminator was in this morning and put peanut butter-scented sticky traps out. I'm pretty jaded when it comes to mouse-catching devices. Last year's attack featured mice who literally walked around a trap with food on it. There is going to have to be a mouse check in my office every morning, and I'm not going to be the one checking, that's for sure.

Slight correction on the apple core in garbage problem, that was a different co-worker, whom I've asked not to leave them in our garbage anymore due to mice. Since he's a nice guy he said no problem and is fully aware of all the troubles I had with mice last year.

This does not change the fact that the mice are still after me. They are not leaving droppings anywhere I had food, even if it was sealed. Which is what has me perplexed... what exactly are they looking for anyway?


Anonymous said...

Careful Liz...
mice can SMELL FEAR LOL ;-)

Re: the anonymous post about the neato fireworks... sorry i forgot to type my name .

canadianicewolf said...

unknown/ still didn't put your name anywhere! :)

No worries, Liz - at least they aren't hunting you down at they are ME!!!

Anonymous said...

Hunting? no, i aint a stalker TL LOL... just forgetful... I keep forgetting to type my name on the blog comment box, i like halo scan a little better for that feature... sorry... i'll try to remember :-)

Lisa said...

I'm telling ya; get a cat!! After the one incident with Zedd bringing me a warm, dead gift, there have been no other signs. Sure, sometimes Zedd stares into corners and under radiators intently every now and then, but I can't tell if that's due to mice or the natural psychosis that all cats suffer from.

liz said...

If they ever show up in my house (God forbid) then I absolutely would get a cat. No more screwing around with traps bullshit. But since it's my office, I don't think an office cat would go over so well, due to potential allergies of other people, loenly and dark in here at night, etc.

However, if this does persist, we're temporarily bringing in co-worker's new kitten to train him to be a mouser.

canadianicewolf said...

Yeah well, my cat just played withthe freaking mouse!!

Go out to hallway today and found signs all pointing to more critter(s). too pissed. They were working out in the garage, and I swear to god, that's where they all go to hide from the winter. I'm done. moving whether I can afford it or not!!!

liz said...

It's May, why are they all showing up now? It's not like it's freezing outside anymore. ARGH!

Lisa said...

Hmm... Maybe I'll bring Zedd for a visit T-L. He's a hunter. ^_^

Anonymous said...

2 words.... "STICKY-PAPER".

canadianicewolf said...

sticky paper...I went right to - "Who's a spilly talker? Who? WHO?!?!"

Sorry Liz...teeheehee

Anonymous said...

Re: TL comment...
"sticky paper...I went right to - "Who's a spilly talker? Who? WHO?!?!"

I don't get it :-(