Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Keeping my cool

It's all about keeping my cool today. I have to keep my cool until the 15th, so the stars are telling me.

I don't feel like keeping my cool. I feel like telling a whole list of people off. Line them all up and I'll stop burying what I really think of them. Idiot. Loser. Waste of space. Waste of my time. Illiterate. Bully. Asshole. I'm not your mommy. Get a life. Stop being so damned nosy. Do you ever STOP talking? Stop your GD complaining, it's not my fault. Stuff it up your ass.

[suppresses urges to kill]

In other news, my sore throat is feeling better, but I think it has evolved into a runny nose. As would be expected.

I haven't yet made it over to the body shop re: my car. Perhaps that will be tomorrow's task, get another estimate and schedule an appointment. Yeah. Cause I have $375 to throw around. Extremely bitter.

Nope, not in a good mood today. But I did take a positive step towards changing that last night. You may see me reading something other than chick lit in the next few weeks as I attempt to figure some things out. With any luck I'll be able to search my brain for the right answer. The stars tell me this is the month to focus on that kind of thing. Perhaps the stars are full of shit. But I've had it, I've reached my limit, and it's time for some change. I've already subconsciously given up, so I might as well consciously accept that and see what I can do to make things different.


John said...

Sounds like time for a vacation. Go somewhere with the type of Nature you are attuned to, and just veg out for a while and recharge the batteries.

And, you know, sometimes the assholes of the world need to be told off. Just choose wisely.

liz said...

I do need a vacation. Problem is I just had a few days off the first week of April and it doesn't appear as though it has done me any good. And I need my time off for other things I have planned.

I really would love to tell a couple of people off. They deserve it. But then it makes me look like the bad guy. I guess I will just have to determine if that is worth the risk.

Time for that secret admirer millionaire to make his appearance and whisk me away to Monaco... no, Cannes. The film festival just started.

liz said...

hehehehe, Canso!!

I don't think I'll be vacationing in NS in the near (or far) future. Not a place I go and end up having fun. Many have tried. None have succeeded.

mare said...

but the pumpkin regatta could be the exception to your nova scotia as hell on earth rule...

canadianicewolf said...

Is that all your car is going to be? When I hit Rev. John's it was $700 and taht was with the employee discount, and I took the truck in this past Sat. to change the tires and it came out costing $600. There went the start of the wedding fund.

liz said...

Your car is older than mine though, which prob explains the $600. As for the rest, that's just my "shit lucky" gene kicking in again.