Saturday, April 02, 2005

I hereby declare

... that I have finally finished the ironing that has been piling up in here for a month now. It's done. It's finally done. And now I must host a party as people are arriving.

Still no sign of a ham poem. Will I be disappointed? Stay tuned.


mare said...

An Ode to Ham

How do I love thee, let me count the ways;
Is it thy rosy flesh,
thy sweet though salty taste,
thy firmness on the palate?
Is it thy pairing with scallop of potato,
thy soup of pea,
thy maple-glaze, subtly sweet taste of Spring?

mare said...

Oh my God, I didn't see Scott's post before I titled mine. That's hilarious!

liz said...

Awwww, thanks guys! I did get my ham poetry after all.