Thursday, April 14, 2005

It's a nice day for a white wedding

Loyal readers, you are in for a treat. Today we'll be examining my life in pictures, as it relates to my professional career as a wedding attendant.

From the tender age of 4 I have been recruited to join many wedding parties, I've been in 8 with the 9th coming next year at Regan's wedding. My family used to call me the professional flower girl, until I graduated through the ranks of wedding-party duties to full bridesmaid. I have a big family on both sides, and it seemed like there was always someone getting married, and always a need for a certain adorable little blond girl to be in their wedding. I'm so modest!

I can't believe I am posting this. Remember I embarass myself for your entertainment, people. I also give myself free reign to boast of my childhood cuteness.

Let's begin, shall we?

August 1980. I am 4 here, almost 5. My first official wedding job. This is the infamous seafoam green of the '80s which is now frowned upon and described with much distaste. But I looked good in it! I'm not sure what that says for my fashion sense. Look how light my hair was then... [sniffle] I am proudly standing in front of the fireplace, the official picture-taking location of my family™. I am so adorable!

August 1981. Now I'm 5, almost 6 (my birthday is the following month). I have no idea what my hair is doing in this picture. This time the dress was pink. They must have told me to hold the basket higher to make it into the picture or something. The second pic is me looking unimpressed. Not an unusual expression for me in the least :)

August 1982. I am in high demand as a summertime flower girl. This has to be the most stereotypical '80s wedding I was in. Look at me, I'm wearing a bonnet for crying out loud... and I still look cute!!! Dresses are starting to get more ruffles. Wait until later, there's more.

Summer 1984. I must have taken 1983 off. Technically I was not in the official wedding party, but I was official guest book signature girl, which is more than not being in the wedding at all. Here we see the start of the drop waist fashion style. Good lord, how did I end up with ringlets?

Summer 1985. This is the height of the ruffle phase. I finally get a dress in my favorite color here too! I think this is the wedding they made me get a perm for, I remember it getting in my eyes and stinging like hell. I think I was jr. bridesmaid here since I was almost 10 at this point. I'm also wearing a veil, what's up with that?

December 1989. Took a few years off and made a comeback as jr. bridesmaid for a day-before-New Year's Eve wedding. This is my favorite dress, because it's PURPLE. I got the all-satin version whereas the main bridesmaids got velvet on top and satin on bottom. Also got the fur thingy to keep my hands warm. Love that exact color, so of course I was more than happy to be in this wedding. Yup, poofy shoulders, matching shoes, and as a friend of mine called it, "garish" lipstick. This may be why my mom wouldn't let me wear makeup, maybe she was right. Eeek! I still have that flower hair comb. In the top drawer of my dresser. Really, it's there. I can show you if you don't believe me.

August 1998. I was in retirement but came out of it for Joanne's wedding, where I am finally a full-fledged bridesmaid, yay! These dresses were really nice, they were a great find during the dress shopping. They are not black as the pic would lead you to believe, they're forest green but I am not that good with photoshop. Mare was also part of this wedding as a reader, so I according to my rules Mare, you have been in a wedding.

And there you have it, snicker and comment away :) I was in LisaT's wedding a couple of years ago as a reader, but I can't seem to find any pictures of me from it. [grumble grumble stupid ex didn't take pictures of me grumble grumble]

So, in summary:
  1. If anyone ever needs someone in their wedding party who has had prior experience, it's pretty safe to say that I'm your girl.
  2. It is possible to have a professional life-long career as a wedding attendant and look damn cute while doing it!
  3. I have a pretty good track record as a good luck charm, only one of these couples got divorced.
  4. I have had more baby's breath in my hair than any other human being on the planet.
  5. Proof that I have always been skinny, and yes, I do eat food. If you're ever worried about me not eating enough, just break out the popcorn and the Belgian chocolate, I'll be fine.
  6. I really don't look all that much different. Kind of scary, isn't it?
  7. If being anything other than a bridesmaid counts in the "3 times a bridesmaid, never a bride" I am so screwed.
  8. If this doesn't get me a date I don't know what will!! (ok, I can't even TYPE that with a straight face, HA!)


Jaybird said...

Great photos! When you first told me about them I only had a vague idea what they would look like, but they're downright spiffy! Certainly none to be embarrassed about. The "awwwww...." factor is through the roof!

liz said...

Aw, thanks! [blush!]

Rosyphant said...

I really don't think its a matter of whether or not she could get a date. There's not much point in going out with people who don't mesh with her criteria.. or lifestyle... (Can't seem to put ther right word there but you know what I mean) Liz knows what she wants and when Mr. Right presents himself to her, I'm sure she'll
take the chance.
And if not, I'll make her. :) That's what friends do.

mare said...

yes. *nodding* i concur with jenn.

and to insist that you remove purple from your living room when there is company to as it doesn't mesh with your colour scheme.

and to dance with in the mcdonald's parking lot.

and to go to u2 with.

and to laugh at your pictures with.

and to randomly shout "he's yo' comp'ny" with.

but mostly we exist as a screening board and cheerleading section. :)

liz said...

I need a dance session in the McD parking lot. We haven't done that in forever. If you had had more time the day we got the U2 tickets, I totally would have done that. We could even do our David Byrne backup dancer routine!

mare said...

it's a routine now?

Lisa said...

You look very cute in all photos, except the last one. You look considerably more grown up and sophisticated after coming out of retirement. ^_^

I've been in a fair number of weddings as well. I think I've got 5 or 6, I'll have to go picture hunting. ^_^

John said...

What a cutey!

I go out of my way to avoid weddings, or at least to not be a more than a guest at them. It's not that I am anti-wedding, but, rather, that I think the wedding should be about the two people getting hitched. Everything outside of that is just fluff!!!

Anonymous said...

I know this is a late comment
(5 DAYS late) but, i had to say regarding the last pic (black dress with bouqet of roses)...
WOW! you look awesome :-)
