Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Events section

As you can see I've added an events section, seeing as how I have too many things going on can't necessarily remember them all.

Yes, I do realize Halloween is 6 months away, but since I put in U2 I felt I needed to fill in the gaps with stuff I already knew was going on. Like my birthday. No one loves their birthday as much as me! :D


Lisa said...

Helen and Brian have a huge house and a massive fire pit. They're out in Baxter's Corner, but I'm sure they wouldn't mind everyone crashing. Since Helen's usually home, we can appoint her to be the 'pig roaster'. :-P Yay, summer and BBQ-ing!!

mare said...


where's my birthday? come on, this year i want an extravaganza. you only turn 30 once! and it's the new 20!

liz said...

I heard some kind of rumblings of discussions of BBQing on my deck this summer, to which I say, anytime. Come on over. I enjoy the company :)

scum has volunteered his camp for the roast, though we also must check with his wife :P

Mare, if I put your birthday on, then I have to put everyone's birthday on, and then I'd have to have a separate blog dedicated to friends' birthdays.

And 30 is so the new 20.